Principal’s Update 5/16/20

Although the end of the year came with some disappointment (no Chicago or DC trips, 8th-grade dance, awards programs, or spring sports, etc) we are grateful for three great quarters we had together in the building. GCJHS is lucky to have such terrific students, teachers, and staff. Parents have been amazing too! You have been patient and encouraging, especially through our eLearning schedule.  We can’t wait to get everyone back in the hallways and classrooms again!  Have a great summer.  

Mr. Jack


Meal Kit Information

Tutoring Hotline

Community Dental Day


Assignments for the week

Yearbook Orders

GCHS Summer School


1. This is the last week of school for students!  Please encourage your child to complete all work by Friday, May 22. Though students will not have classes next week, G-C teachers will participate in planned professional learning.  

2. Teachers have created class awards and will be posting them this week.  Watch the GCJHS website for the departmental awards slide shows.

3.  As previously shared, all buildings are closed through June 30th. At this time, the plan is for all students to keep their devices until July.  We hope that we can have a block of time in early July for students to turn in devices, clean out lockers, pick up yearbooks, and any other items from school. I will use this email distribution list, the web site, and Twitter to announce the dates for this as soon as it is set. 

4. If you are moving and will not be attending GC schools next year, please schedule a drop off time by emailing [email protected]

5. The Indiana Family and Social Services Administration has launched a new website that provides Hoosiers with free mental health resources.  The site is designed to help with the increase in anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues caused by the pandemic. For more information, please check out this website:  

6. Greenfield-Central High School graduation will take place on the football field at 9am on July 11. Congratulations class of 2020!

7. Parents of 7th graders: Please make sure your child has filled out the google form to rank their preferences for related arts classes next year.  The form was sent out by Social Studies teachers last week.  Here is a link to brief descriptions of each related arts course.  Students who do not fill it out this week will be assigned classes.


If you need technology support for your child’s support, please email [email protected] stating the student’s name, school, and tech issue.  The tech department will work with you to solve the issue.   

WIFI access is available in the south parking lots of Maxwell Intermediate and Eden Elementary. The Hancock County Public Library also extended WIFI to their parking lot.

21st Century Scholar Enrollment

Families are still able to sign up for the 21st Century Scholars Program. If you would like more information about the program or would like to enroll, please visit:  

Families unable to submit the 21st Century Scholars enrollment application by the June 30th deadline due to COVID-19 illness or disruptions should submit an appeal with the Enrollment Application Worksheet as soon as possible after the deadline.

Here are ways for you to obtain information regarding what’s happening at GCJHS.  


Twitter- @GCJHS_principal

Facebook Greenfield Central Junior High School

Instagram– gc_jhs

Mr. Jack

Principal, Greenfield Central Junior High School

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