Principals Update 1/25/21
Lunch Menu
- Weekly lesson plans posted by teachers.
- Students took the language arts portion of the NWEA on Friday. Ask your child if he/she improved his/her score. We will continue with the science test on Wednesday, and the math assessment on Tuesday, February 2.
- We are looking to hire an instructional assistant. If you know someone who might be interested, send them this link.
- Today’s forecast is a good reminder to be prepared for potential school closures. If we have to cancel in-person school, students will have regular scheduled classes, via Google Meet. See the bottom of this email for more information about student expectations.
Virtual School Information
- If you are having technology trouble, email our tech team at [email protected]
- All students should be logged into Google classroom every day. We ask parents to check Powerschool and help to encourage your child to log in to Google Classroom daily, and complete all assigned work. Powerschool may not have an accurate schedule. Here is the daily schedule for students.
Upcoming Dates:
January 21-February 5: NWEA Testing
February 15: Presidents Day- No School
March 14-25: Spring Break
School Counselors
Journey Bags is a local organization that provides a week’s worth of new and gently used clothing and hygiene products for children in need. If your child is in need of more clothing (no coats) or you would like more information, contact Tammi Caldwell at 812-473-6451.
Changing Footprints is a local organization that provides new and gently used shoes for families in need. Shoes are available for all ages, infant through adult. Please contact Mrs. Miller @ Weston Elementary for further information.
Need assistance with a class? We encourage you to reach out to your teachers if you need some help with a class. Other options might include:
- Math tutoring after school each Tuesday and Thursday, 3:30pm-4:30pm.
- Please reach out to your school counselor for a copy of the corporation
tutoring list.
- Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology’s Ask Rose tutoring services 7pm.-10pm, Sunday through Thursday 1-877-275-7673 or
- Indiana Retired Teachers Association, 1pm.-5pm., Tuesday through
Thursday 1-877-457-8839
1. Greenfield Central Jr. High spectator limits for winter sports: Only parents/guardians will be allowed to attend home athletic events. Spectators must wear masks at all times. Admission remains $4/person. Concession sales will be limited to drinks and candy, which are all pre-packaged items. Please maintain distance from other households.
2. Our competition schedule is available here. This schedule still continues to change:
3. Contact Mr. Jeff Sincroft with any ECA/Athletics questions. [email protected]
COVID-19 Information:
If your child is home sick or is a close contact, we have asked teachers to continue to have their live classes in google meet, when possible. Make sure your child logs in from home for each class, according to their schedule. Some classes may just have simple instructions for the assignment, while others may be live for the whole period.
Please remind your child the importance of washing hands and wearing a mask over his/her mouth and nose while at school. We want to keep everyone safe and healthy.
If someone in your home is waiting for COVID test results, call our office and keep your child home until the results come back.
The COVID-19 Screening for Parents provided by the Indiana State Department of Health lists the following symptoms that will result in a student being sent home, or signal for a parent to keep a student home:
Temperature of 100 or chills
- Sore throat
- Runny nose
- Congestion
- Cough or shortness of breath (especially new-onset, uncontrolled cough)
- Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain
- Headache (particularly new onset of severe headache, especially with fever)
- New loss of taste or smell
*This list does not include all possible symptoms. Other symptoms may be considered when determining when a student should stay home.
**If your child or someone in the household is waiting for test results, please do not send the children to school.
***Should your student or someone in the household test positive for COVID-19, we ask that you notify us as soon as possible.
You may call the dedicated GC COVID-positive test result line at (317) 477-4116 (this is a dedicated voicemail box and is not answered by school personnel) or email [email protected].
Please leave your student’s name, date of birth, date of test, and your telephone number and email address. A GC nurse will be in contact with you as soon as possible following notification.
If you have a child who is quarantined (either as a close contact or someone who had the virus), please make sure they are engaging in their classes while they are gone. Everyone should log into their google classroom according to the daily schedule, when at home, unless they are too sick to work.
We have multiple ways for you to obtain information regarding what’s happening at GCJHS.
Twitter- @GCJHS_principal
Facebook – Greenfield Central Junior High School
Instagram– gc_jhs
PowerSchool App- Get up-to-date grades for your child, missing or incomplete assignments, attendance and school announcements. Search for “PowerSchool Mobile” in your App Store. Once you download the app, you can search by school or type in school code 3125.
Reminder about future school cancellations
In the event of a snow day or other school cancellation this year, we will continue to use the virtual learning model so that new instruction can be delivered and the year not be extended to make up for the missed day(s). Unlike with past snow days, we will be utilizing instruction which will mirror what we did on Wednesdays during the Hybrid schedule. Students will be expected to log in for each class, according to their schedule. See this document for the daily schedule and the guidelines.
If you would like to be removed from this email list, please email “Stop” to [email protected]
Dan Jack
PrincipalGreenfield Central Junior High SchoolTwitter: @GCJHS_principal