Principal’s Update 09/21/15


1. We have had great participation in getting donations for the walk-a-thon fundraiser! It looks like the weather will be perfect on Thursday afternoon for our walk. We will still take donations from students this week up until the start of our walk-a-thon. There will be a study hall environment that afternoon for students who chose not to raise money.

2. Tonight is the Band, Strings and Choir Concert. The band will perform at 6:00pm followed by our newest strings class at 7pm. The choir will then finish out the evening at 7:15pm. Admission is $2 for school-age and up.

3. This week is College GO! Week. We will be sharing statistics each morning to students about the benefits of getting an education beyond high school.

Weekly Reminders:

1. If you know someone who would like to receive the GCJHS parent newsletter, please let them know they can sign up on our webpage.

2. We have multiple ways for you to obtain information regarding what’s happening at GCJHS.


Twitter- @GCJHS_principal

Facebook – Greenfield Central Junior High School

Email- You will receive the GCJHS Parent Newsletter email weekly with news, information, and upcoming important dates. If you talk to someone who is not receiving this weekly email, please have them email me [email protected]

Instagram- gc_jhs and gcjhs_principal

3. Breakfast is available to students every morning before school.

4. We would love for everyone to register the Junior High on your Marsh Fresh Idea card. This is a simple, 3 minute web task. We use the points from Marsh to buy supplies and materials for the classroom! Go to and enter our school code: 49955

Upcoming Dates:
> September 21: Band, Strings and Choir Concerts
> September 23: Convocation- Dannah Gresh
> September 24: School-wide walk-a-thon
> September 25: Book Rental Due
> October 5-16: Fall Break

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