Principal’s Update 10/1/18


  1. We are looking forward to our Fine Arts concerts tonight!   Here is the schedule:


$2 per person.  If your student is taking band/strings and choir, you do not have to pay twice for admission. Please show ticket stub to door attendant or ticket sellers.


Bands will be performing in the gym at 6:00pm.

Strings & Choirs will be performing in cafeteria


6:00pm Bands

7:00pm Strings

7:30pm- 7th grade choirs

***7th graders and their parents can leave when their grade level concert is over.

8:00pm- 8th grade choirs

*Students must stay through their grade level concert.

2. 8th Grade D.C.-bound students have sold more than $10,000 in Yankee Candles!  Online orders can still be place through the end of the semester. Money will be credited in January.

Scholarship applications will be offered to students after Fall Break.

3. Yearbooks can be purchased online here.  Yearbooks will also be available to order tonight.  Here is the order form if you want to pay by check or cash.  Yearbooks are $25 until December 31, and then the cost will go up.

4. Just 5 school days left in the first quarter!  Students will be taking quarterly assessments this week.  Please encourage your child to study!

5. Parent-Teacher conferences are scheduled for November 1 and 6.  Parents can come anytime between 4pm and 7pm and stop by to meet with the teachers. To speak to a teacher, just stop by their table.  If that teacher is busy, simply find another teacher on your child’s schedule and meet with them first.  This format allows more parents to meet with more teachers, which benefits our students. As a guide, we would like for parents of students with last names A-K to come on November 1 and last names L-Z to come on November 6.  If the other day works better for you, come when you can!

6. The Young Hoosier Book Club is forming.  Students can sign up in the library with Mrs. Taing by Thursday.  Spots are limited.

Upcoming Dates:

October 1: Fall Fine Arts Festival

October 8-19: Fall Break

October 23: 7th grade Chicago trip information meeting 7pm

November 1: eLearning Day #2

November 1 and 6: Parent Teacher Conferences, 4-7pm


Events this week:

Tuesday, Oct. 2:

1.  Tennis vs. Tiger Tennis — 5:00pm

2.  Girls Soccer @ Shelbyville — 5:30pm

Thursday, Oct. 4:

1.  8th grade football vs. New Palestine — 5:30pm

2.  7th grade football @ New Palestine — 5:30pm

3.  Boys Soccer @ Muncie Burris — 5:30pm

We will post game cancellations on Twitter.  @GCJrHighAP and @GCJHS_principal

Boys Basketball Tryouts will be held after school 10/23-10/25.  Athletes must have a physical and RankOne online forms completed in order to tryout.  


  1. We encourage students to attend our athletic events.  Any GCJHS student who wears school colors will be admitted for free to our junior high home events.
  2. We have two more eLearning Days this year, where students will work from home and teachers will keep office hours.  The dates are November 1 and January 30.
  3. School days cancelled due to weather will also be eLearning days this year.
  4. Students can be dropped off to wait outside in the morning. The doors to the building will be open beginning at 8:20 a.m. each day.
  5. Breakfast is available to students every morning before school.
  6. Textbook Fees are $150.12 for 7th grade and $149.05 for 8th grade.

If you still want to purchase insurance for your child’s MacBook, it will need to be inspected at the time of payment.  This can be done during the school day. Insurance costs $50 and has a $40 deductible for each claim.


We have multiple ways for you to obtain information regarding what’s happening at GCJHS.


Twitter- @GCJHS_principal

Facebook – Greenfield Central Junior High School

Instagram- gc_jhs

Email- You can sign up on our webpage to receive the GCJHS Parent Newsletter email weekly with news, information, and upcoming important dates.

PowerSchool App- Get up-to-date grades for your child, missing or incomplete assignments, attendance and school announcements.  Search for “PowerSchool Mobile” in your App Store. Once you download the app, you can search by school or type in school code 3125.


Here are the school clubs that have formed so far this year and the staff contact:

Art Club- Mrs. Holden [email protected]

AOK Club- Ms. Waymire [email protected]

Builders Club- Mr. Uhl and Mr. Richardville [email protected] [email protected]

Friendship Bracelet Club [email protected]

Prism Club- Miss Flores [email protected]

Robotics Club- Mr. Statzer [email protected]

Spell Bowl- Mr. Jankowski [email protected]

Student Council- Mrs. Greene [email protected]

TV News- Mr. Spencer [email protected]

Writing Club- Mrs. Cary [email protected]

Young Hoosier Book Club- Mrs. Taing [email protected].us

You will receive the GCJHS Parent Newsletter email weekly with news, information, and upcoming important dates.  If you talk to someone who is not receiving this weekly email, please have them sign up at the bottom of our webpage

Mr. Jack

Principal, Greenfield Central Junior High School

If you would like to be removed from this email list, please email “Stop” to

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